Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lemondo Tomorrow Delikatessevirksomhed

Corporate Gift Lemondo company has since its start in 2008 and with his 2 year birthday had a great success. This development in the enterprise is especially due the sale of two groups of products. Chocolate and Sweets. We will ask the company what it is doing that it is just these two products had the largest sales and whether it will continue. Starting a business in time of crisis. Lemondo has, despite crisis managed to stay alive and can now hold its Sept. 2 birthday. The reason for this impressive achievement in a time when air angry bird many competitors closes due to a different strategy. We own significantly not done anything like everyone else has to do, We are just stubbornly stick to our strategy and most importantly trying to find the products that make a difference. Says Lemondo's air angry bird director Jens Peter bear forest. Chololade and Sweets a part of success Lemondo has always tried to find the ideal gift ideas for their clients. Therefore, there have always been Flying angry bird many products that have had to suffer the fate that will be taken off the shelves again. If a product does not show progress within a specified period, we can not use it, says Jens Peter Bjorn Forest. It is not uncommon practice among companies in the corporate gift industry, with many different product categories. What makes a difference is whether the companies have done something about it or just let complacency. The chocolate has always been obvious, as a gift from Lemondo, business needs a lot of time to find a good quality, beautiful packaging and a product that is manageable for the customer. The price is of course also an important element in sales, but first and foremost the gift be presentable. Who will give or have a gift wrapped in newsprint. Content can be anything as good first time impression is what counts. Quality and price are linked when talking chocolate, it also makes that profit margins are low on these products. Sweets Sweets is the second high jumper at Lemondos sales list. The product was initially not interesting for Lemondo and should not, it was difficult to handle, people expected that the logo, colors and flavors was like stamping on paper and margin was and is directly bad. We can not say what we have done to get sales to jump in the air, but it has not been without anguish that we put it on the shelf, says Lemondo's director. Another reason why the product was a difficult choice because the sugar you work with. It can not tolerate too much light, moisture or heat. Everything is made by hand, although the color change by oxidation of bolchemassen. But gradually we learned to handle the product, now sold in tons instead of kg. Future What the future will show for these two products is up to the customer, the taste can change and other more attractive products can get to and change the situation from one day to another.

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